How Can you Help Michigan’s Environment by Returning Your Bottles and Cans

If you live in Michigan, you know that it is a state filled with beautiful natural landscapes, beaches, and forests. Preserving Michigan’s environments is important, and if you are looking for a way that you can help do your part, you can make a positive impact by recycling your used bottles and cans. Michigan’s bottle deposit system is one that both helps Michigan’s environments, as well as the residents who live there, and if you are looking to learn more about how you can make a positive impact, here’s how returning your bottles and cans can help.

Why Return Your Used Drink Containers?

Bottle and can recycling is important for helping to maintain Michigan’s environment. Aluminum and glass are some of the most widely used materials in manufacturing, construction, and more, and when you bring your bottles and cans to your local bottle or can return, you are helping to reduce the amount of glass and aluminum waste from cans and bottles that are disposed of in the trash as opposed to recycling. With recycled drink containers used to manufacture new bottles and cans, the can recycling, and bottle recycling systems can help to ensure that Michigan’s natural resources, and its environment, are preserved.

How Recycling Your Drink Containers Benefits You

When you use your local bottle and can returns, you aren’t just working to help preserve Michigan’s natural resources, you are ensuring that you get your money back! Because drink containers purchased in Michigan all have a bottle deposit placed on them, bottles and cans can be redeemed for ten cents each. Ten cents might not seem like a lot, but it can add up quickly, and if you aren’t disposing of your cans and bottles through Michigan’s bottle and can return systems, it could amount to hundreds of dollars lost.

Helping to preserve Michigan’s environment and natural resources, as well as helping to ensure that customers get their deposit back on their drink containers, when you are looking for a great way to help make a positive impact on Michigan’s environment, you can do so at your local bottle and can returns. To learn more about Michigan’s can and bottle recycling systems, we invite you to contact us today!