Why You Should Return Your Empty Beverage Containers at Michigan’s Bottle and Can Returns

Enjoying a cold drink is a great treat from time to time, but what about the empty bottle or can that you are left with afterwards? While it may be tempting to throw your bottles and cans away, there is a way to dispose of your empty beverage containers that comes with a number of benefits. When you’re looking to free up some space by getting rid of your empty bottles and cans, you can help to conserve resources when you bring your bottles and cans to your local can and bottle returns. But how exactly does returning your empty containers benefit Michigan, and you?

Helping to Preserve Michigan’s Resources and Environment

When you return your bottles and cans through Michigan’s bottle and can deposit systems, you are helping to preserve Michigan’s natural environment as well as its resources. With 100% of recycled bottle and can used to make new containers, returning your bottles and cans help to conserve usable materials like glass, plastic, and aluminum. Not only that, but for every 12 pack of aluminum cans returned helping to cut down on co2 emissions by 1.8 pounds, meaning that you are also helping to reduce the environmental impact of the manufacturing of new containers when you return your empty bottles and cans.

Putting Your Dime Back Into Your Hands

When you return your empty containers, not only are you helping to preserve Michigan’s resources, but you are also putting your dime back into your hands. With a 10-cent deposit placed on each bottle and can of a carbonated beverage purchased, Michigan’s deposit system offers a monetary incentive to return your empty drink containers. 10 cents may not seem like much, but it adds up quickly, and the only way that you can ensure that you get your deposit back is by returning your empty bottles and cans.

When you are looking to get rid of your empty bottles and cans, making sure you return them at your local grocery helps to preserve Michigan’s natural resources, but it also ensures that you get your dime back. To learn more about why you should return your bottles and cans, contact us at Take ‘Em Back today!